Always wash your virgin hair before installing
You may shampoo it once or twice and follow with conditioner
Always use products that are Alcohol FREE and Sulfate FREE
Don’t massage roughly when washing
Rinse Conditioner out completely and brush hair
Always hang to fully air dry
Brush the hair out and pull it into a loose ponytail
Wear a satin scarf or bonnet or both for extra care
After waking up, take off scarf and bonnet and style as needed
Apply an alcohol-free hair serum for shine as needed.
Always use products that are Alcohol FREE and Sulfate FREE
Wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner once a week or every other week
Apply a moisture rich Conditioner and comb/ brush hair, starting with the ends working your way up to the scalp.
Leave Conditioner in for at least 15 minutes
Do not massage the hair.
Brush or comb hair with wide tooth comb to get any tangles out
Rinse thoroughly. (you may comb as water runs through hair)
Scrunch hair gently with your hand to enhance the curls.
While damp, apply a small amount of anti-frizz alcohol free hair serum for a more tamed look
Let air-dry
Do not brush or comb hair when dry, it may cause some fizziness
Condition only wash is recommended at least 2-4 times a week depending on curly pattern.
Pull hair in pineapple or twist into 4 sections and wear satin bonnet for bedtime
Another option for daily wear is to spray hair with water mixed with lightweight leave in conditioner and serum and style as desired
Wash curly hair with shampoo and conditioner once a week​